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Stuck on You Page 5
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Page 5
Sara was sitting up straight in front of Daniel, who was observing her with one of those enigmatic looks that might have done for her if, in addition to her little black dress, she hadn’t also been wearing a mental shield to protect herself and remind her who she was sitting across from and why.
But it wasn’t easy. Thoughts and words crowded her mind while her lips struggled to articulate them all – she wanted to understand what was really going on and be able to call that date by its proper name. She hated finding herself caught unprepared, insecure and at the mercy of events she had no control over.
“Right, you owe me some answers, my dear Mr Gant,” she burst out suddenly, unable to keep silent any longer.
“I knew you’d ask me. You’ve managed to hold it in for almost an hour, though – I’m impressed!”
“What can I do?” smiled Sara. “I tried to stop myself, but we women are all curiosity.”
“I have a friend who works at Inside Look,” he replied, with an expression of mock innocence.
“My CV! Of course…”
“It wasn’t difficult.” He gave her a look which implied that when you were as charming as him, getting hold of confidential information was not a problem. Sara didn’t know whether to be flattered or angry about the violation of her privacy.
“And as for the choice of evening, I just decided to give it a go and it worked out. Obviously, I’d have felt pretty stupid if I’d knocked on your door and there’d been no one home,” he chuckled in amusement, obviously pleased with his good fortune, and Sara couldn’t help but join in.
“Seriously, it’s crazy that you went to all this trouble just to go out for dinner with me. What happened to Dolphin McDolphinface or whatever she’s called… your latest flame?”
“You don’t mince words, do you? And I see that you’ve been studying me again. I am sincerely flattered.” Daniel’s voice was low and smooth. He leaned forward in anticipation of a reply.
“I like to understand the situation I’m in and know who I’m facing.”
“Well let’s hear what opinion you’ve formed of me, then. At this point I’m extremely curious, and I’m not going to let you leave this table until you’ve spilt the beans.”
“So I have to show my hand before we even get to dessert?” asked Sara. She lifted her glass to her mouth and took a sip of prosecco, its cold sparkle prickling her tongue. Daniel watched her every movement. What could he be thinking?
“Don’t worry, you can enjoy dinner in peace, I’m in no hurry. I’m enjoying your company, so rest assured that I won’t just abandon you here – not even after I’ve got what I’m after.” He raised an eyebrow, and Sara found her toes curling in annoyance and pleasure. It was a shame that the annoyance was the more powerful of the two.
“I think you might have got the wrong idea about me. I don’t go around kissing strangers – even though I admit it might look that way. I don’t usually get so friendly with strangers or flirt with them the first time I meet them, especially if I’m in a lift. If you think I’m just going to be another of your flings, you’re mistaken.”
She bit her lip, immediately repenting the flood of words – perhaps she’d been too direct. Oh well, what harm was there if she had? She wouldn’t be seeing him again after tonight, so she might as well be clear. No point wasting valuable time for both of them. Yet she knew she’d gone too far, and felt a pang of regret, because she reluctantly had to admit to herself that it might actually be a first date and that she wanted it to be followed by a second. Oh, you stupid…!
“If you must know, I’m not interested in having a fling with you.” Daniel didn’t seem to have been offended by her little speech.
Sara’s face immediately went beetroot red with embarrassment. Until then, she’d assumed that the whole charade was just an original way of charming and intriguing her into capitulating, but she’d obviously assumed wrong. She was the girl who’d felt like a fish out of water at Inside Look, an anachronism who could be betrayed because there was always someone better looking round the corner. For a moment she’d thought that this was all an attempt to win her over, and she’d felt gratified. But she was too ordinary. Daniel Gant would never want to be with someone like her. It was mortifying, but true.
“You look disappointed.”
“No, no…” she said philosophically. “Just my brain having a punch up with my pride. Nothing a good night’s sleep won’t cure.”
Daniel reached out and brushed away a lock of hair that had escaped from her silky chignon. “I don’t want to have a fling with you because I want to get to know you. You’re the first real person I’ve met in months. Do you find that weird? Dangerous? Strange?” He smiled gently and moved his hand away. “This is the first time that being a famous model has worked against me, and it’s… intriguing. You didn’t get star struck by a bit of fame or some sweet talking, which not only makes you special but also attractive, and that’s why I want to get to know you better.”
Attractive? Her? Sara smiled and her whole face lit up. There was something about Daniel that she liked, she couldn’t deny it. Perhaps they could be friends or something after all, without her risking her heart. Attractive… had he said just attractive?
“Tell me about your life, Daniel Gant. Tell me about yourself. I want to know. Help me get rid of all these preconceptions I have in my head and let me see the person behind the lens.”
Daniel gave her a happy wink. “That’s what I was hoping, Sara.”
Dinner slipped by in a haze of laughter, clinking glasses and food worthy of the most discerning of palates. Daniel explained his job, regaled her with funny anecdotes and answered her questions, confirming her friend Lia’s opinion of him – he was handsome, good company and smart too. An explosive mixture that could do her serious damage long-term. Maybe it was the wine, or perhaps the relaxed atmosphere, but Daniel’s eyes were now shining like sapphires, his lips were mesmerizing and his already irresistible features were morphing into the eighth wonder of the world. The stubble on his face, the result of studied carelessness, gave him personality, and the instinct to reach out and touch him was almost uncontrollable. No, it wouldn’t be a good idea to have a glass of vin santo with the dessert – she needed to regain her sanity as soon as possible.
After Daniel had paid the bill, he got up from the table and, in courtly fashion, pulled her chair back and helped her do the same. When put his hand to the small of her back, the warmth of his body seemed to burn through the fabric of Sara’s dress. “That feels good,” she thought, and her mind began to wonder what those beautiful hands could do with a female body. Stop right there, Sara De Michele – behave yourself!
Like the perfect gentleman, Daniel placed her jacket on her shoulders and led her toward the exit, waving and exchanging a few brief remarks with a couple of diners and the owner of the restaurant.
Sara found herself outside, taking deep breaths of the cool night air sparkling with hopes and dreams. She had to clear her mind, and quickly. Not easy, since Daniel’s warm voice with its unmistakable accent was tickling her earlobe.
“Fancy taking a walk? It’s still early and I’d love to spend a little more time with you.”
Sara would have sworn she could hear chirping birds, bells ringing and Elvis Presley singing Love Me Tender. That was a very bad sign – it had never happened before. Either she was drunk or Daniel Gant was seriously undermining her defences.
“Yeah. Yeah, sure.”
As they walked along the pavement, surrounded by beeping cars and people out for an evening stroll, Sara felt a burning desire to know as much about him as possible. She felt like a Gantoholic, desperate for another fix.
“So you started working as a model when you were still a kid, then?”
“Yes. I was eight years old and my mother took me to the auditions for a TV commercial in London. One of those with dogs, bowls and a perfect kitchen. I just thought it was fun. They were all so busy running
backwards and forwards, they wore make-up, they adjusted the lights, and… I don’t know, I thought it was cool. As much as an eight year old kid can find anything cool.”
“And what happened?”
“The advert was a hit, so they started offering me other advertising jobs. My mother was in seventh heaven. We used to live in a grotty little flat out in zone 4 and my dad had walked out on us.” He grimaced.
“I’m sorry” For a moment Sara felt a wave of compassion for that little boy. “It can’t have been easy for you.”
Daniel held out his arm to her and they walked on. “My mother’s a really amazing woman, she didn’t deserve to be treated like that. Dad was certainly no Prince Charming.”
“Are you still in touch with him?” she asked, hoping she wasn’t being too nosy.
“Not any more – he died a couple of years ago.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. Had you made peace?”
He smiled sadly. “Let’s say I offered my support when he wanted it. I did what he needed.”
He said no more, and Sara didn’t ask. It must be difficult for him to talk about it, and she was practically a stranger, after all. But his dad must have hurt him badly: a shadow had fallen over his face and he looked sad.
But only for a moment.
He turned back towards her.
“Anyway, as I was saying, from that moment on I never stopped. I was bringing home regular money, so that helped, because my mother was a shop assistant at the time and didn’t earn much. I carried on studying, and at the same time I continued with the modelling. And now here I am, with a degree and a full time job. I brought my mother back to Italy, her homeland. She lives near Siena. My dad was the English one.”
“Ah, that’s why you speak Italian so well! They can’t seem to get enough of you in the fashion world. When I was researching you, I came across tons of photo shoots for prestigious fashion labels and magazines.”
“Yes, it’s true – the old English charm I suppose,” he replied, laughing. “What can you say, there’s a rumour going around that I’m good at my job.”
“And beautiful – disgustingly beautiful,” Sara remarked, as though commenting on a simple fact of life.
“So they say… Joking aside, I’d be the worst kind of liar if I tried to pretend that my success didn’t depend on my appearance. For the moment I’m going to make the most of it. It won’t last forever. And in the meantime, I’m putting aside a nest egg and enjoying life,” he said with satisfaction.
“A life that you like.”
“Yes, I do. I love traveling, learning about new cultures, meeting new people… I’m a curious person and I like new things.”
Sara’s eyes widened at his words.
“For example, tomorrow I’m leaving for Thailand for a couple of weeks – I have some photo shoots to do and I’m going to take the opportunity to have a bit of a look around.”
Sara sighed.
“Are you sorry?” he teased, with satisfaction.
She refused to admit the truth so she said, “I was just wondering if I’ll ever see Thailand.”
“Never say never, Sara. Life’s full of surprises. Believe me. I’m so grateful every day for the life I have.”
Sara looked at him out of the corner of her eye and couldn’t resist saying, “And yet not so long ago you told me I was the first real person you’d met in a long time. Were you just trying to impress me or was it the truth?”
Daniel stopped, stepped in front of her and gave her a deep, sincere look. “It’s the truth. In my job I meet so many people, and they’re always flattering me and trying to become my friend so they can say they know me. I’ve no illusions about them being friends for life, and to be honest I don’t really care. I’ve got my own close friends that I’ve had for years and a life full of affection, but it’s just really nice to meet someone who doesn’t seem to want anything from me.”
“You must have thought I was so rude. I’m sorry. I was embarrassed.”
“Forget about it. Yeah, I did think that was an end to it, and that calling you had been a mistake…”
“But?” she pressed him.
Daniel gave her a disarming smile. “But I thought it was worth trying one last time.”
Sara was touched. “My kisses are unforgettable,” she joked.
Daniel said nothing, just stared at her, and Sara was certain he was about to kiss her right there, in that moment. Her heart leaped into her throat, and the air between them was charged with electricity. If he moved a little closer, their lips would touch again, and her mouth was almost watering in anticipation. But the spell was broken.
Daniel looked at his watch. “It’s late. I guess I’d better go home. My flight’s at six tomorrow morning, and I still have to finish packing.”
“Of course… let’s go.” Sara hid her immense disappointment and called herself an idiot a hundred, a thousand times, for having misread the signals – but she wasn’t going to let him see that.
On the way back to her house they amused each other with their opinions on music and by humming tunes, and to Sara the journey seemed all too short. Daniel would be leaving for his adventure in a few hours, and would meet other people. Other women…
The thought hurt her more than she would have imagined. Damn it, she actually liked the man, and not just because he was sickeningly handsome, or rich or famous, but because she saw in him something she was looking for. It was painful to think that it was something that she would never get – something which would soon become just a daydream, and that she would return to another awful, doomed first date with another ‘sushi man’.
His car, the latest Mercedes, pulled up in front of Sara’s building. The street was quiet and sleepy at that hour of night.
“Well, here we are,” she said, to soften the awkward moment before saying goodbye.
“I’ve had a wonderful time, even though we did talk a bit too much about me and not enough about you.”
“I’m afraid my life’s not as interesting as yours.”
“I’ll be the judge of that. You can’t avoid it. Next time I’ll give you a proper grilling. I want to know everything about you,” he said with conviction, as his fingers touched the steering wheel, as though caressing it.
“In two weeks you won’t even remember that I exist,” sighed Sara, knowing that she could never compete with the rest of his life.
“I’ll prove you wrong. You keep misjudging me,” he chided her cheerfully. Sara turned around, settled herself back into the seat and looked at him uncertainly.
“I’m not judging you, I’m just saying that your life is full of people and things…”
“Shhh.” He put a finger to her lips and raised an eyebrow. “Has anybody ever told you that sometimes you talk too much?”
“My sister, all the time,” she laughed, while a strange sensation appeared in her stomach. And it certainly wasn’t the prosecco.
“I’ve got to go. I’ll call you from Thailand.”
“That would be really nice – you can tell me what it’s like.”
Daniel stretched towards her and for an instant Sara once again imagined encountering those lips in an ardent, unforgettable kiss – but for the second time she was disappointed.
Daniel brushed her cheek with a chaste, delicate peck and then moved away. “Good night, Sara.”
The girl smiled at him, feeling the need to get out of the car which suddenly seemed too small. “Have a safe journey, Daniel.”
She got out, slammed the door behind her and walked to the front door, unable to resist looking back in the hope that Daniel would be looking at her, just like the hero of some movie who can’t help watching the woman of his dreams walk away into the dark of the night.
She couldn’t hide her disappointment when she saw that the car was gone.
Chapter 8
You Can’t Fight Destiny
The room was spacious and bright, and from the large window she could see an unfamiliar modern lands
cape. Slowly, Sara walked over and pulled aside a curtain which was fluttering despite there being no breeze, and her eyes were taking in the view, seeking a clue as to where she was and why, when a voice as warm and rich as hot chocolate whispered in her ear, “You’re magnificent.”
Sara suddenly felt heavy, as though her feet had taken root in the lovely parquet floor. A hand stroked her bare arm, while her skin came alive to the unexpected contact and she felt herself melting. That caress was studying her, fondling her, making her shiver with forbidden desire. Two burning lips began to nibble at her earlobe.
Daniel slowly turned her round and Sara raised her eyes to his, searching for something to placate the anxiety she felt. His eyes, like two sapphires, were staring at her with an intensity so real that her legs felt as though they were made of butter. She seemed to float and almost to lose contact with the floor, and her whole body was covered with goose bumps. The shy smile and absolutely indecent dimples which had formed at the corners of his mouth bewitched her, while that hand continued to touch her dangerously, brushing against her breasts, which were covered only with a light, transparent dress. She felt exposed and yet at the same time strong, and ready to give herself totally to him.
Daniel was wearing only a white shirt which went down to his thighs. Sara found herself sighing with desire at the smell of the freshly laundered cotton as her hands began to recklessly unbutton the garment. There was no fear in her now, nor uncertainty. She wanted to touch his skin, so he slipped his shirt off, leaving him completely naked and she put her trembling hand on his chest to feel the beating of a heart that seemed to be there only for her. She stood on her toes, seeking those lips that mocked her and invited her to play secret games, and their mouths fused in a molten kiss while Sara’s fingers ran over the outline of his body.
He pulled back and, with a peculiar expression on his face, said, “We’re there!”
Sara’s eyes widened – Daniel’s voice sounded different…
We’re theeeeere…
Sara opened her eyes, rubbing them at the sudden brightness, and it took her a few seconds to work out exactly where she was.